Our Mr KM Liew is honoured to be invited by the Jiangsu Financial Services Office, Jiangsu Federation of Industry and Commerce, Sumin Investment and EY (China), to co-speak at the “Workshop for Jiangsu-based Hong Kong and Overseas Listed Companies” in Nanjing on 9 November 2017.
The event is mainly intended for key management and financial officers of HK listed companies with operations in Mainland China, and will provide a series of sub-forums of great practical and operational significance, including “How to achieve ‘curve-overtaking’ and enhancement of value for companies through merger and acquisition”, “Main concern of listcos’ re-financing” and “The ways for HK listed companies with operations in Mainland China to deal with short-selling activities by short-sellers”.
Interested parties should please send enquires to us at enquiries@LTcounsel.com.